Totally Unauthorized

A side of the film industry most people never see.

Now that’s motivation

Crew people generally fall into two camps – those of us who will use any means necessary to avoid working harder than we absolutely have to, and those of us who think that if you’re not busting your ass, you’re not really working.

One thing we all agree on, though, is this:

Since we get paid for at least 8 hours whether we work that long or not, when we have an opportunity to “bust it out” and go home while we’re still on the clock, we’ll do exactly that.

We all worked as fast as we could, and tore out the Sports Arena rig in 7 hours – someone had the stroke of genius to move our trucks inside the loading area (on the rig they were parked outside the arena due to the loading dock being blocked), which sped things up quite a bit and we didn’t get wet in the rain that took me by surprise when I stuck my head out the door. I’d forgotten my rain gear (I had to wash it, it was just too rancid-smelling and I’d forgotten to pack it back into the car), so I was really glad to be inside, although I got soaked walking to my car after we’d been released.

I used my ‘bonus hour’ to go to a great noodle joint in Little Tokyo called Suehiro.

Best. Noodles. Ever.

Happy Easter!

Filed under: Work

April 2006

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